October 16th-December 31st, 2020
Streaming worldwide!
All Access Passes $25
What used to be a joyous event for a few thousand in Arizona, is going global! Phoenix FearCon, one of the leading independent Horror Film Festivals and Conventions, will be a fully-interactive film festival experience online, complete with film screenings, panels, workshops and interactive events. Phoenix FearCon IX will be a whole new experience for both filmmakers and audiences, bringing the festival to audiences in the comfort of their home, on laptops/tablets and mobile devices. Watch films, stream live events, vote for your favorite films, and be part of the action no matter where you are in the world.
While we’ll be sorry not to be able to see and interact with you in person, this does offer some advantages. Not the least of which is the extended period over which events will be streamed. One of the most common complaints is that people have to choose between, say, panels and screenings that are on at the same time. Now, with an “on demand” service, you get to set your own schedule. Feel like watching a panel at 3 am? Sure! Want to see a shorts program again? No problem! You can enjoy most events at your own pace, whenever you like, and as often as you want. And all without leaving your own home.
As an all access pass holder, you will be able to screen our amazing lineup of short and feature films, workshops, panel discussions and wonderful performers from the comfort of your living room, laptop, mobile device or tablet. Below, you’ll find an overview of what’s going on at the event, and links to the pages on the site where you can find more detailed information about what you can expect. But stay tuned and check back often, as we’ll be adding even more between now and the event.
Panels, workshops and lectures
From the life of Bram Stoker to social media apps, our speakers and guests will be covering horror in all its forms. We’re delighted to welcome some for whom horror is in their genes, including Stoker’s great grand-nephew, Dacre Stoker, and Bela Lugosi’s grand-daughter, Lynne Lugosi Sparks, and the history of horror looks to be well represented. But we’re also right up to date with Antoine Le, the director of Followed, which became a breakout hit at drive-ins during the pandemic. He’ll be part of a trilogy of panels discussing indie horror film-making. Horror in Shakespeare, fan films, and practical FX are among some of the other topics. And the breadth of horror media is also on view, from the traditional one of the written word, through television to video games.
Panel listings and details
Live performances
You may not be able to be there “in the flesh,” but a virtual event doesn’t mean FearCon’s famed history of performances has to come to an end. We begin on Friday night, with a special, live-streamed appearance by Arizona’s own Agents of Lust. We also welcome the return of Count Smokula, who was previously a special guest at FearCon back in 2008 – I guess vampire accordionists never do get old! And new to this FearCon is Lillian Sin, the Voodoo Kitten, with an act that’s definitely for a mature audience!
Performance listings and details
Screenings of features and shorts
Way back in 2006, FearCon started life as a film festival, and that aspect still remains very important to us. This year, we received a record number of submissions after partnering with Film Freeway, and the online festival meant we are a bit more freed from the usual time constraints. So we will be showing three separate programs of short films, as well as a number of features. These include a documentary about horror – a first for us – as well as the film containing probably the most unpleasant deaths in FearCon history! From mockumentary to black humor, there’s sure to be something for everyone among the selection.
– Feature listings and details
– Short films listing and details
With y
our host: Jay Michaels
Horror Historian and host of “In the Passion Pit” podcast and “Terror Talk”
This year, Terror TV’s Jay Michaels, host of their original program Terror Talk as well as a co-producer on Phantasm-Con and a special guest judge at Boston SciFi Film Festival, will present an amazing line-up of guests for interviews, panels, workshops and speeches.